Racine County child porn, drug case; man gets 6 years in prison

Donald Vanderbloomen

A Racine County man was sentenced Friday, Jan. 13 to six years in prison after pleading guilty to child pornography and drug charges.

Donald Vanderbloomen, 42, pleaded guilty in October 2022 to two counts of possession of child pornography and one count of cocaine possession. Seventeen other charges were dismissed as part of a plea deal.

According to authorities, the Racine County Sheriff’s Office Internet Crimes Against Children Unit conducted a search warrant at a Caledonia home on May 27, 2021.

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During the search, investigators found numerous computers and computer storage devices in a locked office. Anabolic steroids, cocaine and prescription drugs not belonging to Vanderbloomen were also found. 

Investigators later found a hidden laptop and cellphone in the home's attic insulation. A forensic examination of the devices uncovered a large quantity of child pornography in Vanderbloomen’s possession.

In addition to prison time, Vanderbloomen was sentenced to eight years of extended supervision.