Milwaukee illegal dumping, radio station's cleanup event answers call

It's not uncommon for a radio station to get listeners to call in for prizes, but 101.7 The Truth is giving away something this weekend that you can't put a price tag on.

The Truth asked listeners to nominate their neighborhood for a massive cleanup. The area near 29th and Walnut is one of three that volunteers will target Saturday.

"It’s disheartening that there’s so much litter," said Monica Ransom. "People are in this mind-state now that it’s just cool to drop your trash anywhere. That’s not the case."

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From her front steps, Ransom sees a neighborhood in need of help – and behind her home, it's even worse. She lives just a few blocks from a massive illegal dumping site that FOX6 News profiled last week. Business owners nearby said it has gotten worse.

"It dampens the community, to be honest," Ransom said.

Illegal dumping near 29th and Walnut, Milwaukee

When Ransom's favorite radio station asked listeners which neighborhoods deserved a cleanup, she wrote in.

"It's time to clean up our city," said host Tory Lowe. "Many times, certain people in certain neighborhoods have never seen their streets completely cleaned."

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Lowe said listeners nominated roughly a dozen sites. Three were chosen, and volunteers will be out Saturday picking up trash. Cleaning up city streets has been a passion of Lowe's for more than a decade; FOX6 was with him in 2015 as he organized a cleanup with his son.

"Once you can establish pride in the neighborhood – now you’ve got people who want to set up businesses and want to thrive," Lowe said.

Tory Lowe hosts for 101.7 The Truth

Zoe Jump, Keep Greater Milwaukee Beautiful's executive director, said the city is already halfway to its goal of 400 cleanups this year.

"What I think the community cleanup will do for this particular area is bring more hope," said Ransom.

Volunteers are still needed. If you'd like to help out, more information on the Tory Lowe Community Cleanup events can be found on The Truth's website.