Ex-Wisconsin veterans policy board leader sentenced, child porn case

Curtis Schmitt Jr.

The former head of Wisconsin's veterans policy board was sentenced to three years in prison for possession of child pornography Friday, July 14.

Curtis Schmitt Jr., 39, was also sentenced to three years of extended supervision. He was found guilty at trial in May of three child porn possession counts.

Gov. Tony Evers, appointed Schmitt to the Wisconsin Board of Veterans Affairs – and the state Senate confirmed the appointment – in 2019. He resigned from the post in March 2022, months after he was charged.

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According to a criminal complaint, investigators discovered that two photos and a video of child pornography had been uploaded to a Dropbox account associated with Schmitt’s email in December 2021.

Schmitt told police that he was addicted to adult pornography and sometimes received and downloaded child pornography, according to prosecutors.

The veterans board works with the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs secretary to shape benefits programs for the state's veterans by adopting administrative rules. It also approves resolutions and recommendations from state veterans organizations.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.