Horizon West condo demolition; neighbors worry about site's future

Demolition crews are gutting Waukesha’s troubled Horizon West condo building – and running into a bigger issue than they bargained for.

Nearly two years after the city told condo owners they had to evacuate the building due to concerns it might collapse, it is finally coming down piece by piece.

"You’ve got a big demolition going on," said neighbor Dennis Unterbrink. "There was concerns with asbestos, how the wind would blow it around and stuff like that."

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The city hired contractors in September, and workers had to seal each floor to keep asbestos fibers from getting in the air. Mayor Shawn Reilly said more asbestos has been found in the building than previously thought, increasing the demolition costs to more than $1 million.

Since the building is so close to other homes, crews are working from the top down and inside out.

Demolition at Waukesha's Horizon West condo building

"It was an eyesore after a while," said Vic Markulis, who lives down the street. He’s more worried about what will fill the lot once the building is gone.

"Who owns it? What can be – I don’t know, they can build another structure that big," said Markulis.

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Reilly said the answer to Markulis' question will depend on the outcome of the condo owners’ lawsuit against their insurance company.

"If they don’t win the settlement, then there will be a lien on the property," Reilly said.

Demolition at Waukesha's Horizon West condo building

Neighbors hope whatever becomes of the site increases property values.

"Ideally, I guess maybe a couple of houses like what you see down this block would be nice," Unterbrink said.

A condo owner told FOX6 News last week their federal lawsuit is still on appeal. The city hopes to have the building completely torn down by late December or early January.