Fond du Lac County deputy extinguishes fire, rescues dog

A Fond du Lac County deputy extinguished a fire and rescued a dog at an apartment complex on Ledgewood Drive on Aug. 31. The sheriff said Deputy Jason Bruggink's actions helped save the structure.

"You never know what you’re walking into," said Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt.

For deputies, sometimes the job means running into danger.

Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt

"The community depends on you to react to whatever we’re going to face, said Sheriff Waldschmidt.

The sheriff's office released bodycam footage of Deputy Bruggink running into the apartment building and putting out a fire on a patio with his fire extinguisher.

"He wasn’t divulging the whole story," said Sheriff Waldschmidt. "He was being really humble about it and brushed it off like it was no big deal."

Sheriff Waldschmidt said he hadn't thought to watch the bodycam video until he talked to the assistant fire chief.

Fond du Lac County apartment fire

"Who said, 'Sheriff, that deputy that was on the scene, he saved the building,'" said Sheriff Waldschmidt.

According to the sheriff, the deputy went to the scene after he heard the call came in because he knew he was closest, and he actually went into the building twice. The second time, the body camera footage shows him rescuing a dog and reuniting the pet with his owner outside.


"I leashed up the dog, grabbed my shoes, grabbed my phone and bolted out, and when I came out, there was smoke billowing out from the complex," said Ava Rusch, tenant.

Rusch got her dog, Mabel, out safely.


The owner of Jackson, the pup who was rescued by Deputy Bruggink, said Wednesday, Sept. 6 her pet was doing well. 

Also shown in the footage, when fire crews arrived, Deputy Bruggink was able to help firefighters pinpoint the location of the fire, which had spread to the attic. The sheriff noted that this allowed firefighters to quickly attack the fire, saving the structure.

Other deputies helped to evacuate the tenants in the multi-unit complex.

Fire officials said if Deputy Bruggink hadn't arrived so quickly and worked to set the fire back with his extinguisher, it would likely have spread and destroyed more of the building.

Fond du Lac County deputy extinguishes fire, rescues dog

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"I was genuinely really scared in that moment, and I’m really glad that him and the people who showed up were able to do what they did," said Rausch.

Waldschmidt said though they don't do it for the credit, he's thankful for his deputies' actions.

"It makes you proud to be a sheriff," said Waldschmidt.

Fond du Lac Fire Rescue told FOX6 two families were displaced due to the fire, but there were no injuries.