Walworth Co. officials warn homeowners of scam
WALWORTH CO. -- Twice in the last couple of days, homeowners in Walworth County have been targets of theft and/or robbery. In both incidents, investigators say the suspects were in pickup trucks, pull into the driveways of the homeowners, and request to provide some type of service for a fee.
These trucks in question were described as a gray 2003 Chevy Silverado with a ladder rack and a newer model Dodge full ¾ ton pick up truck.
Officials say these so-called jobs may include painting the home, yard clean-up, sealing the driveway, and even lightning rod inspection on the roof of the home.
During the “inspection” or “estimate” another suspect will attempt to gain entry to the home and take valuables while the homeowner is engaged with the other suspect(s).
These suspects tend to target elderly homeowners or those living alone so they have easier access to the home. Many times the victim will not know of the theft until they happen to go into a jewelry box or chest of drawers many days later.
Sheriff David Graves is asking all citizens of Walworth County to remain vigilant for these types of scams. While there are legitimate businesses who do perform some of these types of services, they generally do not go door to door to generate business.
You're urged to call 262-741-4400 if you see anything suspicious in your neighborhood.