Voting machine snafu in Village of Pewaukee may result in recount
PEWAUKEE -- One Village of Pewaukee voter told FOX6 News a voting machine did not count his ballot on Tuesday, November 6th. Village of Pewaukee Clerk Nancy Zastrow confirmed a power surge may have caused the issue. Zastrow said no matter what, every vote will be counted.
After the first incident was reported, another one was reported just 10 voters later.
"I'm very happy that someone brought it to my attention. The machine has been working fine since then. We have not found any other errors. No matter what, all votes in the Village of Pewaukee will be counted and accounted for," Zastrow said.
Workers will hand count all ballots, and compare the number to that tallied by voting machines. If the numbers don't match up, the votes will be recounted either by hand or using a new voting machine.
"I will also be working closely with the county clerk and the Government Accountability Board to ensure that all votes were counted," Zastrow said.
Over 2,000 votes must be added up, as Zastrow says the Village saw high voter turnout on Tuesday, on pace for 90% of likely voters having cast ballots.
"It may take a little longer. It may take us until tomorrow morning, but all votes will be counted," Zastrow said.
As of early Tuesday evening, no complaints were reported in any other municipalities in Waukesha County.
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