Use of force: FOX6 digs deeper into history of former MPD officer who shot Sylville Smith
MILWAUKEE -- Some time ago, FOX6 News requested from Milwaukee police the "use of force history" of Dominique Heaggan-Brown. Friday, April 14th we obtained some of the documentation.
Dominique Heaggan-Brown
The documents list several instances where Heaggan-Brown used force to restrain suspects -- some by physical force but mostly by the use of a taser. Corroborating statements by other officers, and sometimes the suspect themselves, made them sound decisions warranted by the circumstances.
One incident did stand out. FOX6 obtained police body camera footage from the April, 2015 incident at Capitol and Sherman. The suspect in the case has filed a civil suit, claiming unreasonable and unjustified force against Ronnie Martin.
April 2015
Police documents say "P.O. Heaggan-Brown approached a suspicious vehicle that was illegally parked in the parking lot of the gas station."
April 2015
The incident notes state when Heaggan-Brown and his partner, Officer Peter Hauser, approached the car, the "passenger immediately jumped over into the driver's seat."
April 2015
Martin told FOX6 his version in December.
Ronnie Martin
"I believed they signaled me to move the vehicle, when I attempted to move the vehicle, I was snatched out of the vehicle, slammed to the ground on my face, tased by both officers," Martin said.
The police report says when officers approached the car, Martin appeared to be concealing something inside of his pants.
"I never had a bag in my hand. They never found a bag in my hand," Martin said.
Dominique Heaggan-Brown
Sylville Smith
Martin's suit was filed a couple of days before Heaggan-Brown shot and killed Sylville Smith in the Sherman Park area -- which sparked violent protests in the Sherman Park neighborhood.
The documents released contain nothing concerning the shooting and the sexual assault Heaggan-Brown is accused of doing while still a police officer.