"She's the only choice for us:" Bill Clinton campaigns for Hillary in Milwaukee
MILWAUKEE -- Hillary Clinton spent Saturday, October 8th, at a hotel in Rye Brook, New York, preparing for Sunday night's debate. Hillary called Donald Trump's remarks "horrific" and tweeted, "We cannot allow this man to become president." Meanwhile, her husband Bill Clinton was campaigning here in Milwaukee.
Bill Clinton did not mention the Trump tape during his stop in Wisconsin -- but he did have to deal with a few hecklers of his own.
"You're a rapist! Bill Clinton is a rapist," shouted a heckler.
Bill Clinton in Milwaukee
The former president brushed off the comments by referencing the backlash the Trump campaign has faced since Friday, when audio recordings of the Republican presidential nominee making derogatory comments about a woman were released.
"You gotta feel sorry for them. They had a bad day yesterday, give them a hand," said Clinton.
Bill Clinton in Milwaukee
The Clinton campaign was in Milwaukee on Saturday, to encourage early voting in Wisconsin. Clinton spoke at a hall inside an office for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 494.
"One campaign wants you to forget this is about you, your life and your future. Hillary is running because she wants you and your life and the future of your kids and grandkids to be better -- and we have to do that together," said Clinton.
Clinton stuck to the usual stump speech. Referencing Hillary's pledge to address climate change, criminal justice and immigration reform and building the economy.
Hillary Clinton
"I think we are now in a position to rise together, to grow together, to lift incomes, to increase upward mobility, to reduce income inequality, but it is all hinging on this election," said Clinton.
Hillary supporters were pleased with Clinton's message.
"I hope everyone that's a member of a union or an IBEW goes out and votes for Hillary, because she's the only choice for us," said a Hillary supporter.
Others still shaken by the hecklers in the audience.
Bill Clinton in Milwaukee
"I was actually a little scared because I was standing right next to him and was very angry but I think everyone has a right to their opinion," said Colleen Beaslee, Clinton supporter.
Local Hillary Clinton supporters will be holding an event for Chelsea Clinton in Racine, at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, October 10th.