SHARP Literacy celebrates 20th annual 'A Novel Event'

Green Bay Packers legend Jordy Nelson will be the featured speaker at SHARP Literacy’s annual "A Novel Event" on Monday, Nov. 15. Lynda Kohler, president and CEO of SHARP Literacy, joins FOX6 WakeUp to talk about the big event. 

The event will celebrate the 20th annual Novel Event and MARK 25 years of SHARP delivering innovative programming to urban elementary students. Kate and Dan Meyer, and Julie and Mark Steinhafel are serving as event co-chairs.

The message of this year’s A Novel Event is the importance of partnerships, according to Lynda Kohler, president and CEO of SHARP Literacy. "This year, as we mark our 25th anniversary and look at the evolution of SHARP Literacy, we are humbled by the hundreds of incredible partners who have made SHARP what it is today." Kohler went on to say, "From dedicated educators to our corporate and community partners who are collaborating behind the scenes, our partnerships have been the constant force in helping SHARP grow beyond what we could have ever imagined. With their steadfast support, we continue to follow our mission of providing every child in our community the same educational opportunities, no matter their circumstances."

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