Scott Walker backs Senator McCain; responds to Trump's controversial 'war hero' comments
AMES, IA -- One week into his presidential campaign Governor Scott Walker is focusing on Iowa. The state is crucial for Walker to win a republican nomination, but it was another candidate making headlines today in the state.
He is promising to visit all 99 Iowa counties. Just a week since officially launching his presidential campaign, Governor Walker is spending the weekend touring the state.

Family Leadership Summit 2015
Saturday's biggest stop, in Ames for the Family Leadership Summit.
"I have fought and I have won," said Walker.
Walker, the last to speak of several of his competitors. One of Walker's rivals creating the biggest headlines of the day for a comment about John McCain.
"He's a war hero. He's not a war hero. He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people who were not captured," said Donald Trump, Republican presidential candidate.

Donald Trump
There were gasps and boos as Donald Trump responded to a question about recent war of words over immigration between the two.
McCain spent 5 years as a POW in Vietnam. By the time Walker took to the stage, he addressed the firestorm.
"When someone goes personal and attacks an American hero. You may disagree with someone of his politics, but John McCain as an American hero, and I will defend him and any other president who has been a POW," said Walker.
Walker was asked by the crowd an array of questions, from his pro-life position, to his qualifications for a running-mate.
"I'm not going to pick someone for political reasons, they need to be equipped, qualified and to be the president of the United States," Walker said.
Walker admits that's likely a premature question however, since he's officially been on the campaign trail less than 7 days.
Trump has since back tracked a bit after his comments, saying captured or not, all our soldiers are heroes.
Walker is traveling Iowa in a Winnebago -- he's got two stops on Sunday, July 19th in Cedar Falls and Dubuque.