Red Cross volunteer from Milwaukee sets off to assist Texas flood victims
MILWAUKEE -- Milwaukee help is on the way. A Red Cross volunteer left for flood ravaged Texas Thursday afternoon, April 22nd. Although the task is large, Linda Arnold is up for it.

The flooding in Texas has been devastating to say the least. Hundreds of people remain evacuated from their homes.
In the Houston area, more than a foot of rain has fallen already this week, and more rain is expected this weekend -- which means a greater need for more voluntary assistance.

Nurse Linda Arnold is on the way, as a health services manager.
"I may oversee the shelters, the health services care that's in the shelters. I may oversee outreach, going out into the neighborhoods and helping," said Arnold.

Linda Arnold
FOX6 News caught up with Arnold before her flight at General Mitchell International Airport. This will be her 22nd disaster relief operation.
Arnold says about 11 shelters are already set up in Texas with 300-400 people but with the possibility of more flooding, additional shelters may be needed. And then there's the work once the water goes down...
"We teach them about first aid, and about safe drinking water, and safe food, and how to use bleach correctly. How to deal with mold issues," said Arnold.
And don't forget the critters.
"Their home is destroyed too and so there's snakes and alligators and all kinds of insects," Arnold said.

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