Police, former inmates plan skydive together

Bringing together two groups that at first may seem totally opposite, an upcoming event will be – in every sense of the term – a leap of faith.

Ten Milwaukee Police Officers and ten former inmates will leave their comfort zone – and jump out of airplanes together. It’s put on by Community Warehouse and Partners in Hope (PIH).

PIH is a faith-based organization that helps people who have been incarcerated get back on their feet. More than that, they’re preparing for a big jump.

On Saturday, Aug. 19 at the Wisconsin Skydiving Center in Jefferson, the group of 20 will all get off solid ground in hopes of finding common ground.

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"Sometimes it takes faith to overcome the obstacles in front of us, trusting that you can have a relationship or start with somebody when you’re supposed to be enemies," said MPD Lt. Michael Dix.

"It’s going to be hard to hate another group when you’re 10,000 feet up in the air," said Adam Procell, PIH interim director.

Those interested in helping out or donating can visit this website.

FOX6 News will air a full story on the event after it happens.