Police: 9-year-old girl whipped for taking candy cane without permission to mail to Santa
KENOSHA COUNTY -- A 33-year-old Kenosha man has been charged with child abuse after officials say he whipped a nine-year-old girl with a belt because she had taken a candy cane without permission and was attempting to mail it to Santa Claus along with her Christmas wish list.
33-year-old Louis Morgan Jr. has been charged with one count of physical abuse of a child.
According to a criminal complaint, a nine-year-old girl reported to her elementary school teacher that her side was hurting because she had a bruise. She told the teacher Morgan Jr. gave her a "whooping" the night before. The girl explained Morgan Jr. told her not to take candy canes off the Christmas tree, so she took one out of the box -- stating to her teacher she thought that was acceptable since the candy did not come from the tree.
The complaint states police arrested Morgan Jr. and conducted an interview. He stated to investigators he told the nine-year-old not to take candy canes off the Christmas tree, and when he found out she had addressed an envelope to Santa Claus containing the candy cane, he was upset she had disobeyed him.
In the criminal complaint, Morgan Jr. stated he "kinda yelled at her" for taking the candy cane and told her that there was no Santa Claus. He told the girl Santa was not bringing her presents.
According to the criminal complaint, Morgan Jr. then "whipped her with a belt" on her body, legs and arms approximately seven to 13 times with the full length of the belt.
Morgan Jr. told investigators after whipping the girl, he searched and found another candy cane and a gold necklace that he believed she had stolen from someone else.
Louis Morgan Jr. faces one count of physical abuse of a child.
No other details have been released.