Ozaukee County Sheriff's officials take report of "large, wild cat" sighting in Town of Grafton
TOWN OF GRAFTON -- Ozaukee County Sheriff's officials say they took a call regarding a possible "big cat" sighting on Wednesday afternoon, August 5th.
Shortly before 3:30 p.m., sheriff's officials received information from a citizen that a large, wild cat -- similar to a mountain lion or cougar was observed in the area of N. Port Washington Road and Arrowhead Road in the Town of Grafton.
Deputies responded to the area and were unable to confirm the sighting.
This report was the only report received regarding the sighting of a large animal.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has been contacted.
Ozaukee County Sheriff's officials will continue to assess the situation if additional sightings occur.
If you see a large animal, you're asked to STAY AWAY, and contact authorities immediately.
Earlier this week, the City of Beloit Parks & Leisure Services Department was warning about a possible cougar, after two city employees reportedly saw a "big cat" this past weekend.
The possible cougar was spotted at Big Hill Park, DPW officials say.
DPW officials have placed a sign at the park -- warning of the possible threat. The sign includes a telephone number folks should call if they happen to spot a big cat in or around the park.
The Beloit Daily News says a Beloit Police Department sergeant said people should be aware of their surroundings -- and get back into their vehicle immediately if they see a big cat, and contact authorities.
The big cat sighting in Beloit comes two weeks after the very first big cat sighting was reported in Milwaukee.
The Milwaukee Police Department has taken dozens of calls regarding a possible lion roaming the city -- and though an MPD sergeant saw what could have been "a large, wild cat" near 30th and Fairmount on Saturday, July 25th, and a DNR warden reportedly spotted the possible big cat too, nothing has been found.
MPD has investigated each and every reported sighting.
On Friday, July 31st, sources told FOX6 News there is reason to believe there is a big cat roaming Milwaukee because tracks have been photographed, confirming a large cat with retractable claws. The prints had no claw marks -- like prints from a coyote or big dog would.

Animal tracks
The very first call for the possible Milwaukee lion came in on July 20th.
In addition, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has confirmed two cougar sightings in Langlade County.
Trail cameras captured the animal — or animals — on July 9th about six miles and 20 hours apart in the northern Wisconsin county. Landowners separately turned in the images to the DNR.
CLICK HERE for more on the Langlade County cougar via the Wisconsin DNR's website.
Monitor FOX6 News and FOX6Now.com for updates on this developing story.