'Never going to forget:' Community to memorialize fallen MPD Officer Irvine 1 year after his death

Officer Charles Irvine Jr.
MILWAUKEE -- Friday, June 7, marks one year since Milwaukee Police Officer Charles "Chuckie" Irvine died in the line of duty. The 23-year-old's death is the first of three officers to die in eight months on the force.
Over the past year, Officer Irvine has been honored in many ways. He was an officer at Milwaukee Police District 4. Friday brings a new milestone since his death.
Officer Irvine lost his life doing what he loved on a bright June day, almost one year ago.

Milwaukee Police Department squad crash at 76th & Silver Spring

Alfonso Morales
"I've talked to several people from District 4, which is the district Chuckie worked at. What's interesting in seeing them is the spirits are up," said Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales.
One of those from District 4 is Shamara Alexander, who graduated from the academy with Irvine.
"Of course just being new working together with someone who you just graduated with can be difficult at times, working together, putting your experience together - makes all of the difference," said Alexander.
Alexander was there to hear his name read aloud in Washington, D.C., as part of National Police Week. His name written in stone joined thousands of others who have died in the line of duty.

Charles Irvine

Shamara Alexander
"I think it's definitely going to hit me and all of us because it's real. It happened, we can't go back," said Alexander.
As the year has gone on, Ladell Harrison was convicted of leading Irvine on the pursuit that killed him. A plaque honoring the officer will go up on Friday where the fatal crash happened.
'He was a very young man, only 23 years old when he died. He had devoted his life to service and that is very notable and should be commemorated this way," said Milwaukee Alderman Cavalier Johnson.
A year anniversary to honor his sacrifice.

"I think there's a little bit of relief that we're going there, obviously we're never going to forget Chuckie," said Chief Morales.
Irvine's memorial plaque will go up at 76th and Silver Spring on Friday, not far from where he worked.