MPD: No gun-related homicides for 1st time in 7 years over Memorial Day weekend
MILWAUKEE -- Milwaukee police on Tuesday, May 28 were proud to announce that over the 2019 Memorial Day weekend, the City of Milwaukee had no gun-related homicides, and six non-fatal shootings.
According to Milwaukee police, over the previous 14 years, the city averaged 2.1 homicides and 9.7 non-fatal shootings over the holiday weekend.
2019 was the first year Milwaukee has not had a gun-related homicide over the Memorial Day weekend in the past seven years. The holiday weekend also had the fewest amount of non-fatal shootings since 2013. An MPD spokeswoman noted there was one vehicle-related homicide that remained under investigation as of Tuesday.
"We are pleased with the significant decrease in crime; however, we realize that one shooting victim is one victim too many. A 13-year-old and a 17-year-old were two of the six victims who were shot this weekend, which is unacceptable," Milwaukee police said in a news release.
Police added they "will continue to work to make Milwaukee a safe place to live, work and raise a family, but we cannot do it alone. We need our community partners to assist us in achieving this goal so that everyone in our city can feel safe."
In 2018, there were seven separate shootings that all happened in less than 12 hours on Memorial Day. The shootings left one person dead and six others injured.