Mom of murder victim hopes to change "no snitch" mentality
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Sandra Townsend is working hard to change the "no snitch" mentality when it comes to murder. Her son, 19-year-old Deon Bolden Jr., was murdered in 2009.
Townsend hopes to make snitching an acceptable, and expected, thing to do when it comes to reporting crimes.
May 23rd is the fourth anniversary of Bolden's murder. He was shot near 88th and West Courtland Ave. inside a car. Bolden and two others had a confrontation with another driver.
Townsend was out of town when she got the news that her son had been shot.
"I knew my son was dead before I made it back to Milwaukee," Townsend said. "I just felt it."
Boden's killer has never been caught.
Every year during the weekend of the anniversary of her son's death, Townsend throws a party for the community at Gordon Park.
"I just don't want to forget him. I don't want nobody else to forget him, especially because, you know, where is the killer? Let the killer not forget him," said Townsend.
This year's event will be held on Saturday, May 25th, from noon to 6 p.m. There will be games, a delicious menu, and Townsend's message, "It's Not Snitchen When it Comes to Murder."
"The police can't do their jobs by themselves. They need some help, you know, and we sit around and watch the killer go and kill and we're not going to do anything, we're just as responsible as they are," said Townsend.
Townsend says it's time to take our streets back. She says there is no excuse not to call the police since you can do so anonymously.