Milwaukee grocery gift card giveaway aims to provide cost relief

Gift card giveaway at Pete's Fruit Market

Americans for Prosperity handed out gift cards to shoppers at a Milwaukee grocery store on Saturday, hoping to provide relief for those struggling to afford food.

The organization said it will distribute 100 gift cards, each worth $60, this weekend at two Pete's Fruit Market locations. 

"The only people losing their buying power, the people being most affected by losing their buying power, are people right here in this area," said Jamiroquan Kittler, AFP's supervisor of grassroots operations.

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Sherman Park Grocery offers community relief through partnership

The owner of Sherman Park Grocery said collaborations like Saturday's with Americans for Prosperity can offer relief from prices and limited options.

The Americans for Prosperity "Prosperity is Possible" campaign also distributed gift cards at Sherman Park Grocery earlier this month.