Medical Examiner: Homeless man found dead in abandoned home; his temperature just 22 degrees
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- The Milwaukee County Medical Examiner's Office say a homeless man was found dead inside an abandoned home near N. 25th Street and Michigan Street this past weekend.
The man was found when a realtor showed up at the home with a prospective buyer, according to the Medical Examiner's Office.
The man has been identified as 53-year-old John Abbott. He was found dead in the closet of the home near N. 25th Street and Michigan Street on Saturday, November 15th.
The Medical Examiner's Office says Abbott was schizophrenic.
The home where Abbott was found dead was being sold by the city of Milwaukee for rehabilitation -- and was in a state of severe dilapidation.
The Medical Examiner says there was no evidence to suggest Abbott had been living there.
Abbott's official cause of death is pending further toxicology testing. Abbott's temperature was 22 degrees when the Medical Examiner responded to the scene.
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