Mary Burke on the defense of "copycat campaign"

COLUMBUS (WITI) -- New accusations of copied text in her governing plans have Democrat candidate for governor Mary Burke on the defensive.

One of the top Republicans in the country is suggesting that Burke should bow out of the race.

For a full week, the candidates for governor have been fighting over writing. Specifically, the actual author of Democratic candidate Mary Burke's "jobs plan."

With Burke defending her work...

"I want to bring the best ideas to Wisconsin," said Burke.

And Scott Walker condemning it...

"It's very serious and it's disappointing, very disappointing," Walker said.

The accusations of plagiarism mount. National Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus tweeted, "Burke isn't serious if she isn't contemplating leaving the race. Campaign is built on plagiarized ruins."

FOX6 News asked Governor Walker if he agreed:

"I think that's something that ultimately our opponent is going to have to have that discussion with the people of the state of Wisconsin," said Walker.

Burke's 40-page "Jobs Plan: Invest for Success," was unveiled in March. It detailed 5 strategies to improve Wisconsin's economy. She used it as a way to ridicule Governor Walker.

I have governor Walker's plan from 2010, it's four pages. I've seen 8th grade term papers that frankly have more work put into them," said Burke.

Burke said she spent hundreds of hours working on her plan.

"That jobs plan was based on my experience as a business executive," Burke said.

But now it appears sections were simply copied and pasted from the work of other campaigns.

"It is something that goes to the heart of authenticity," Walker said.

Burke blamed Political Consultant Eric Schnurer for the several instances of copied text in her campaign plans on jobs, veterans, and rural communities.

"The -- this is a case of Eric's own words, and so those were words that he created, they are his words, so it's not an issue of using words that shouldn't have been used, it's more a case of just not using the same words," said Burke.

Burke says Schnurer is no longer working for the campaign.

"Those exact words should not have been used that were used in other plans, and that's why we cut ties," Burke said.

"I would think if you're putting hundreds of hours into a plan, you'd know where it came from," said Walker.

Burke's campaign says it will not change the jobs plan, and that all of the proper citations are included in it.