June 13th marks Wisconsin Heat Awareness Day
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- While an extended stretch of summer weather has yet to arrive in Milwaukee, the City of Milwaukee Health Department (MHD) is joining Wisconsin Heat Awareness Day to draw attention to the dangers associated with extreme heat each year.
“The message today is that heat can kill,” said Commissioner of Health Bevan K. Baker. “Unfortunately each year we see deaths related to heat events. Today, we are reminding all city residents to stay aware and stay prepared when it comes to hot temperatures.”
Heat waves have been the biggest weather-related killers in Wisconsin for the past 50 years. In 2012, the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services confirmed 24 heat-related deaths in the state.
When summer’s hot and humid weather does arrive, the MHD reminds citizens to take the following precautions recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to avoid heat-related illness:
Stay Cool
Stay Hydrated
Stay Informed
In conditions of extreme heat, MHD encourages residents to seek out designated cool spots such as Milwaukee County Senior Centers and Milwaukee Public Libraries. For more information, visit www.milwaukee.gov/health.