'It's crazy:' Bullet fragments may have injured 5-month-old girl at Milwaukee gas station
MILWAUKEE -- Police say a 5-month-old baby may have suffered a minor injury from a bullet fragment during a shots fired incident on Milwaukee's north side. Officers were called to the scene shortly after 12 p.m. on Wednesday, May 30.

Shots fired near Teutonia and Florist Avenues
According to police, shots were fired in the area and the baby girl, named Royalty Thomas, was later found with an injury possibly related to the shooting.

Rob Thomas
"Nothing but rage, frustration. It's sad this is what our city is like," said Rob Thomas, Royalty's father.
The little girl survived a bullet that her father says was fired through a car -- and landed against her skin.
"The bullet fell out of my baby's diaper and I handed her back to her mother and I got up here," Thomas said.
Witnesses said this all played out near a gas station -- when the infant was in the backseat of her mother's car.

"The guy was banging on their door, windows and on top of their car," said Wali Syed, gas station owner.

Witnesses said a man standing in the parking lot was acting wild. The baby's mother or her passenger never got out to interact with him. That is when witnesses said another man showed up and fired shots at the car.
"I heard four gunshots go off. It went 'bam bam bam," like that," said David Rios.
Witnesses said the mother drove off as shots were fired. She lost her car's bumper down the road.
"It's always tough for any parent whose kid is a victim. It's tough for me to hear my girlfriend got shot at," Thomas said.

Shooting incident at Teutonia & Atkinson
Ann Harrington stopped by to see the police tape and evidence markers. She knows the pain of violence after she lost a son to homicide.
"It's crazy. It's crazy and it don't seem like it's getting any better," Harrington said. "It just takes your breath away you can hardly breathe."
It's a loss very real for Harrington -- while another family is thankful to be reunited with a daughter, Royalty.
Milwaukee police say it is not clear what started all of this in the first place.