"It really scared me!" Girl talks about attempted abduction; suspect's grandma hopes he gets help
MILWAUKEE -- A seven-year-old girl was nearly abducted while playing outside in the front yard of her home near 17th and Highland. The girl was able to break free from the man, who picked her up and tried to carry her away from her home last Thursday afternoon, July 30th. Now, for the first time, we're hearing from that brave little girl whom officials say did everything she should've done in this situation. And -- we're learning more about the man arrested in this case.

Seven-year-old Andrea
The attempted abduction happened outside the girl's apartment building near 17th and Highland.
The girl's mother says she was sitting on the back stairs when the girl went to open the door for a neighbor.
The whole thing happened in just seconds.
"It still ain't sitting right with me," the girl's mother, Tabatha Bridges said.
Bridges says she's keeping a close eye on her seven-year-old daughter Andrea after a terrifying experience last Thursday afternoon.
"I'm messed up!" Bridges said.

Surveillance video shows attempted abduction of seven-year-old girl
The attempted abduction was captured on surveillance video. Police released that video in an effort to identify and apprehend the suspect.
The suspect was taken into custody on Saturday, August 1st in the 100 block of E. Concordia Avenue.
"He said 'come here,' and I said 'no,'" seven-year-old Andrea told FOX6 News.
But the 25-year-old man scooped Andrea up -- and tried to carry her away.
"I kicked on his arms then I ran to my mama crying and screaming. It really scared me," Andrea said.
The girl's mother called 911 immediately, and so did Gail Jones. Jones is the suspect's grandmother. She called police after she saw the surveillance video of the incident. She recognized the suspect as her 25-year-old granson.

Surveillance video shows attempted abduction of seven-year-old girl
"Me and my daughter called -- because I have granddaughters. I was just lost. Frozen. We left to go looking for him, and somehow he detoured back here. He said he was going to take the little girl because it's his daughter and the mom is not taking care of her. I said 'what were you going to do with her when you got her?' He said 'I was going to bring her to you Granny, so we can take care of her,'" Jones said.
Bridges says the suspect is NOT Andrea's father. She says she doesn't even know the man.

Gail Jones
Jones doesn't think her grandson would have harmed the child -- and wants to clear his name. She says he battles schizophrenia and is bipolar.
"The man believes that kids is his. He truly believed that," Jones said.
"You just can`t be taking kids because you are looking for your baby," Bridges said.
While the girl wasn't abducted, her mother says their sense of security has been stolen -- and she wants the suspect to serve time in jail for what he allegedly did.
The suspect's grandmother says she hopes he gets the help he needs.
A charging decision is expected in the next few days.
Monitor FOX6 News and FOX6Now.com for updates on this developing story.