In Sandy's shadow, Mitt Romney campaigns in Virginia
ROANOKE, Virg. (CNN) -- Mitt Romney effectively ended a two-day truce on the campaign trail Thursday, picking up again his attacks on the president after two days of less partisan rhetoric in the wake of the devastation caused by Superstorm Sandy.
At his first stop on a three-rally swing through Virginia, the GOP presidential nominee launched into a new criticism of Barack Obama, knocking the president's idea of streamlining his cabinet by installing a "Secretary of Business" who could handle a variety of tasks currently handled by different departments.
"I don't think adding a new chair in his cabinet will help add millions of jobs on Main Street," Romney said, as he renewed his attacks on the president for attacking instead of offering an agenda. "We don't need a secretary of business to understand business. We need a president who understands business, and I do."
Speaking at a window manufacturing company in Roanoke where the owner boasted he had not laid off any employees during the recession, Romney warned a victory for Obama would mean "high levels of unemployment continue and stalled wage growth."
"I know we've had a glorious past as a nation. I know we're going through tough times right now," Romney said. "Sometimes we tend to think what we're in is going to always be the way it'll be. But you know what, it's going to change. We need real change."
In three events across Florida a day earlier, Romney avoided mention of Obama's name altogether and aimed for a "positive tone" in deference to the storm's victims, a senior adviser said.
At the top of his remarks, Romney did again state his concerns for the loss of life and those otherwise affected by the storm calling on those gathered to give whatever they could to relief efforts.