FOX6 weather team helps viewers program weather radios
WAUKESHA -- When it comes to severe weather, the FOX6 weather team says, "Be prepared, not scared." Well, there's one piece of equipment that can help with that -- the weather radio.
"You can think of them basically as a smoke detector for severe storms," FOX6 Meteorologist Justin Zollitsch said. "If in the middle of the night you're not going to have your TV or your radio come on to warn you about severe weather, these will alert you. They will wake you up and warn you about severe storms and tornadoes."
Zollitsch and the rest of the FOX6 weather team were at a Walgreens store in Waukesha Saturday, April 28th. That's because FOX6, Walgreens and Midland Radio have once again teamed up to emphasize the importance of early severe weather warnings.
The radios cannot prevent severe weather. But they are a good tool to have around when the skies darken and storms kick up.
"They actually work very well when storms are coming in, so they at least give you a little bit more warning which is good if you're not around a regular radio, television or anything," FOX6 viewer Terry Buchholtz said.
If you'd like more information about the Midland weather radios and where to buy them, CLICK HERE.