Drill trains first responders for active shooter situations
GREENFIELD (WITI) -- Police in Greenfield on Thursday, August 28th held a drill for first responders at Greenfield High School. The large-scale tactical training operation is to prepare police with the life-saving skills they will need if an active shooter was on the loose.
The blood, the bullets, and the shooter are all fake -- but the emotions and the training are real.
"This is the first time we've done anything like this, we've always trained on fire drills and lock downs, but never anything with an active shooter," said Paul Thusius, Principal at Greenfield.
The events culminate with large-scale exercises which allow school personnel to apply what they have learned in a practical setting and bring together police and fire departments from Greenfield, Greendale, and Hales Corners in a first of its kind multi-agency and multi-discipline response.
"We are so significantly far beyond what a lot of agencies are doing. This is really the next evolution of police and fire and dealing with active shooter and mass casualty incidents," said Police Chief, Brad Wentlandt.
Several other surrounding agencies were on hand to observe the drill. All of which say, this is incredible training they hope to never use.