Don't have your flu shot? Get it for free on Wednesday
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Fewer and fewer adults in Wisconsin are getting their annual flu shot. In fact, the state of Wisconsin is among the worst in the country -- and this year's flu is already a bad one, with 20 percent of people hospitalized ending up in the ICU.
Inside Milwaukee's Vincent Center on Tuesday, January 14th, anticipation of a needle in the arm has grown men and women squirming in their seats.
Usually it's just kids and seniors under the most pressure to get their annual flu shot -- but this year, it's everybody in between.
So far this season, 80 percent of people hospitalized with the flu in Milwaukee are young and middle-aged adults -- the same age group least likely to get their annual flu shot.
"I hate, hate needles. I'm already sweating," Felipe Chavez said.
Chavez says he hasn't gotten a flu shot inn 20 years!
"It's not what I was expecting. It's an okay shot," Chavez said.
Chavez probably wouldn't have gotten the shot this year if it weren't for the free shots offered at St. Vincent de Paul.
"We know that a lot of them have this myth about getting a flu shot so they don't, so we just hoping that with the trend that this flu is starting to affect that age group, that they are willing to come in and at least take advantage of the shot," Tony Jones with Molina Healthcare said.
A new report shows the number of adults getting their flu shots in Wisconsin is declining among 18 to 64 year olds.
Wisconsin ranks 47th in the country in flu vaccinations, with less than 32 percent taking part.
"We know that the flu can attack us regardless of how strong we think we are," Jones said.
Carmen Watson is a 40-year-old mom who doesn't have time for the flu.
"I'm around a lot of people so I can't afford to get sick," Watson said.
So far, at least 142 people have been hospitalized with the flu in Milwaukee, and more than 550 people have been hospitalized throughout the state.
St. Vincent de Paul is giving out more free shots on Wednesday morning, January 15th. 179 free flu shots will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
St. Vincent de Paul is located at 931 W. Madison Street in Milwaukee.
Wednesday's flu shot clinic runs from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.