Donald Trump says win in WI April 5th would "absolutely cement" his status as party's nominee

MADISON — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says that a win in Wisconsin would "absolutely cement" his status as his party's likely nominee, while a loss would mean a continued, protracted fight.

Trump has a path to winning the 1,237 delegates he needs to cinch the nomination ahead of his party's convention, but that's not guaranteed.

A loss in Wisconsin won't help.

"If we don't win it, it will be, you know, keep going, keep going, we'll see if we get to that big number," he said Wednesday in Appleton.

Trump also went after rival Ted Cruz, saying the Texas Senator doesn't have the temperament or talent to be president.

"He would be one hell of a lousy president," Trump says.

A new Marquette University poll out Wednesday shows Cruz leading Trump by 10 points among likely Republican primary voters in the state.

Marquette University Law School Poll: Where Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich stand in Wisconsin