CHW, Aurora to lift temporary visitor restrictions starting Wednesday

MILWAUKEE -- Children's Hospital of Wisconsin will lift as of Wednesday, March 28, the temporary visitor restriction it put in place due to concerns over this year's flu virus. Aurora Health Care is joining CHW in lifting temporary visitor restrictions at its facilities.

Normal visitation practices will resume at 8 a.m. at the Milwaukee Children's Hospital and 9 a.m. at the Fox Valley Children's Hospital.

In a news release, hospital officials stated the following:

"We thank everyone for their cooperation and support during this restriction, especially those families most impacted.

"Regardless of the season or current visitation policy, patient health and safety is always our primary goal. While this specific restriction has been lifted, visitors who are sick should not visit patients in the hospital."

Updates can be found at

Meanwhile, Aurora Health Care officials said this:

"Given the ongoing decline in the number of positive flu cases this season, we’ve determined that on Wednesday, March 28, we’ll be lifting the temporary visitor restrictions that have been in place, and will be allowing visitors of all ages back into our neonatal intensive care units at Aurora Sinai Medical Center and Aurora West Allis Medical Center.

We sincerely appreciate everyone’s cooperation over the last two months, as the restrictions helped to reduce exposure to influenza and viral infections.

While the peak flu season is behind us, we continue to remind the public about the importance of hand washing in helping to prevent the spread of germs."