Campaign volunteers hard at work in get-out-the-vote effort Monday

MILWAUKEE -- On "Election Eve" Monday, November 4th, volunteers were still hard at work on behalf of their candidates -- pounding the pavement and working the phones, urging voters to head to the polls on Tuesday.

Democratic Party volunteers hit Milwaukee's most crucial areas Monday -- with just hours until the polls were set to open. Volunteers said the goal was to try to drum up support for President Barack Obama and Democratic candidates in other races, and get voters to the polls.

"We're asking people if they know where they're going (to vote). If they're registered. Letting them know what they need to have to get registered if they're not. Making sure they have a plan when they go vote," Amy Hufford said.

President Obama supporters say past statistics show last minute blitz's like that on Monday can be beneficial.

"In 2004, John Kerry won Wisconsin by two votes per ward, and by getting out and talking to voters and getting out the things we need to say, we increased our likelihood of going to the polls by eight percent," Hufford said.

Meanwhile, Republicans on Monday worked to fire up supporters, and participated in a get-out-the-vote blitz on behalf of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and Republican candidates in other races.

"We're focusing on contacting people. We spent the last couple of months figuring out who our supporters are, and making sure they get out to the polls," Keith Best said.

Volunteers did voter canvassing and worked the phones. The goal for volunteers at the Waukesha Victory Center was a high voter turnout on Tuesday.

"At this point, we're not trying to sway anybody. We're just trying to make sure we follow up with people we've ID'd as supporters," Best said.

With just hours left in the campaign, volunteers said they understand getting voters to the polls in swing states like Wisconsin is imperative.

"We literally could change the election just by getting out and doing what we're doing," Best said.


On Monday night, as the clock continued to tick down to Election Day, Vince Schmuki was busy trying to get the attention of voters at the corner of Port Washington Road and Mequon Road.

"There's a lot of people come by and a lot of honking going by last week when I came by, so I expect the same thing this week," Schmuki said.

On Milwaukee's east side, Andy Suchorski and other UW-Milwaukee College Democrats made some noise of their own as they knocked on doors and handed out voter information -- trying to secure votes.

"We're doing door hangers, knocking on doors, making phone calls. We have some other visibility events planned -- handing out flyers on campus," Suchorski said.

Whether it was Mitt Romney supporters or President Barack Obama supporters, the message was the same: get to the polls and vote on Tuesday.

"It's absolutely important. No matter what side you're on -- it's being part of the process. I enjoy hearing people, when they honk. It just tells you they're acknowledged and they're engaged and they're a part of the process," Schmuki said.

"It's so important that students vote. Our future is at stake in this election. We have more on the line than anyone else, so it's huge that we turn out," Suchorski said.

Election officials say polling places could be packed Tuesday, and campaign supporters say that's what they hope to see.

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