Busted: Thieves trying to steal catalytic converters nabbed after neighbor takes action

WEST ALLIS (WITI) --Thanks to the watchful eye of a neighbor, two men are in custody following an attempted robbery of catalytic converters. It happened at Greenfield Motors in West Allis.

Around 6 a.m. Friday, September 12th a neighbor across the street in the upstairs apartment saw suspicious activity going on at the dealership. He called police to report it, and they arrived on scene just in time.

"When police came , the two guys were underneath the truck. The officer got in a fight with one of them and he got a large whallup on his head and he skinned his knee, but he got the guy on the spot. And the other person they apprehended down in the neighborhood here," Greenfield Motors owner Kevin Schuchardt said.

The two thieves that are now in custody were after catalytic converters. Trucks that sit high off the ground are an easy target for this type of theft, and converters are worth money!

"People are desperate sometimes," Schuchardt said.

On Friday morning, West Allis police investigated the crime scene, while owner Kevin Schuchardt crunched the numbers, figuring out the damage. To order new replacement parts, he figures it will cost upwards of $1,500. But Schuchardt has another idea.

"They left the oxygen sensors and stuff in tack, so we should be able to get these back on there without a whole lot of trouble," Schuchardt said.

Schuchardt says this isn't the first time thieves have targeted his car lot, but he hopes it will be the last.

"I just hope they stop doing criminal activity because it's not helping them or anyone else," Schuchardt said.

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