Holiday shipping, Amazon Oak Creek ramping up for season

Cyber Monday is coming up, and while ordering items on Amazon happens with the touch of a fingertip – the process of getting packages out takes thousands of workers.

There are a lot of moving parts, machines and operations at Amazon's Oak Creek warehouse to make that process run smoothly.

"Just a lot of activity everywhere, everyone is busy," said Darren Poe, Amazon operations manager. "We are able to get those orders in and get them through this building within three hours."

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Those orders are coming in hot. Poe said, during peak season, they will have more than 4,000 employees.

"It’s more hours, more days of work, but we have fun with it," he said.

Amazon Oak Creek warehouse

"The more busy I am, the more I like – you always do something," employee Jose Rosa Rivera said.

As peak shipping season approaches, the Amazon Oak Creek warehouse will be shipping 300,000 packages in just the next few weeks. The facility has three levels of inventory, and much like Santa, workers check everything twice to make sure it ships to the right place.

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"We feel we are playing our part delivering for Christmas," said Poe. "We are geared up and ready to go."

The Oak Creek warehouse is Amazon's biggest location in southeast Wisconsin. Poe said they try to have packages delivered on the same day.