Sunday is Picture Day at Brewers Spring Training

MARYVALE, AZ -- There are certain rituals of spring: the first workout of the season on Saturday for the Milwaukee Brewers, and Sunday is picture day! That means, all the guys posing for posterity.

"It is interesting. You get your picture taken by a lot of different media outlets, but it's kind of cool because you get up and it kind of gets you into the feeling of Spring Training. What's nice is you've got people from all over. We've got some Japanese reporters here, so it's nice to sit there and get some international exposure," Chris Narveson said.

"The first week it's always - you want to get back into that rhythm and work your way into it, and the next thing you know, it's Opening Day right around the corner," Yovani Gallardo said.

The Brewers full squad is back out in workout mode, with even some live pitching to batters in the cage, and a familiar face showed up to join Robin Yount who was in the camp starting on Saturday, and Geoff Jenkins - a long time Milwaukee outfielder turned up on Sunday, and he'll be helping out for the rest of the week.