Can Catholics going to opening day (which is Good Friday) eat meat?
MILWAUKEE -- Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki is not allowing any exceptions for not eating meat on Good Friday for Catholics who plan on attending Brewers' Opening Day at Miller Park.
The following was posted on the Archdiocese Facebook page Friday. Archbishop Listecki said...
"As you may not be aware, opening day for the Brewers lands on Good Friday this year. This is what Archbishop Listecki had to say in response to inquiries about whether Catholics could be allowed to eat meat that day."
"Listen, I enjoy a brat at the ballpark as much as anybody and since Opening Day is against the St. Louis Cardinals, one might think that the painful reminder of the Brewers loss to the Cards in last year's NLCS is penance enough, but, unfortunately, that's not the way it works. Good Friday is one of the most solemn days of the Church year, and with a 3:05 p.m. opening pitch, Catholics have plenty of time to attend Good Friday services at their parish before heading to the ballpark or attend services after the game, and I'm sure Doug Melvin and his crew will make sure there are plenty of fish frys available at the concession stands. As much as we love the Brewers, unlike Jesus, they didn't die for your sins. With regard to beer and brats on Good Friday: let's just say that's why God created the 3-game series."