"You feel violated:" Daytime home burglaries on Milwaukee's northwest side trigger police warning
MILWAUKEE -- An uptick in home burglaries has caused Milwaukee police in District Four to issue an alert -- warning residents to be on the lookout for suspicious activity. Neighbors said the situation makes them feel like a prisoner in their own home.
Some neighbors of the area said they avoid taking long road trips because you can't know for sure what conditions you will find your home in when you return.
About the time most people are heading off to work is becoming a popular time for thieves to strike.
"It's hard, especially for an older person," said Randy "Rocky" Walters.
Walters owns property near 82nd and Mill. It has suffered multiple break-ins.
"You have to have your windows locked, doors locked. You just have to be ever so careful all the time," Walters said.
Other neighbors agree -- burglaries are becoming all too common in the neighborhood.
"I'm always just keeping an eye and I always keep an eye for young kids that, you know, should be in school," said Benito Martinez, northwest side resident.
Milwaukee police are warning all residents on the northwest side of recent burglary trends hitting empty, foreclosed or for sale homes. They advise you always give the impression someone is home.
Randy Walters
"Keep cars in the driveway. That's a good decoy," said Walters.
Other proactive measures include installing an alarm system, keeping blinds and curtains closed, making sure all doors and windows are secured as well as keeping an eye out for SUVs or utility trucks that don't belong.
Walters said he's had to make major safety upgrades to his property, including replacing a door and adding bars to basement windows. He said it's hard not too feel trapped in your own home sometimes.
"You feel violated when it happens. You feel like a prisoner. You can't do nothing. You can't go anywhere. You can't go up north for a week because you don't know what you are coming back to," said Walters.
Police said thanks to tips and calls to police, they've made several arrests. They encourage you to report any suspicious activity or suspicious vehicles near your property.