Woman attempting to buy a used Nutribullet for mom with cancer gets heartwarming surprise from stranger

Credit: Cara Grace Duggan
BELFAST -- A woman who lives in Belfast, Northern Ireland, recently shared the heartwarming story of an awesome stranger and his incredibly generous act of kindness.
Cara Grace Duggan was shopping on Gumtree.com, a classifieds website in the U.K., when she found someone selling a used 900w Nutribullet. She sent a text message to the seller:
"Hi there. I was wondering if you still have your Nutribullet for sale and if so would you consider posting it? I could pay via PayPal so we're both protected. I've been looking for one for my mom as part of her cancer treatment, but just can't afford the $200 (retail) price tag. Many thanks! Cara"
The seller immediately responded:
"I'm sorry to hear your mum has cancer. Just send me your address I will post it to you and you don't have to pay for it. I also pray for your mum. And if there is anything I can do for you please let me know."
Cara was shocked by the offer, insisting she is willing to pay for the device. She also shared more details about her mother:
"Hi! That is so kind but we are honestly willing to pay if you can send us your PayPal address? ... Prayers would be greatly appreciated, her cancer is very advanced but we are staying positive and want to give her green juices to help with treatment so we think a Nutribullet would be great! Many thanks, Cara."
That's when Cara received a text message stating her "FastTrack" order was available for pickup. The seller of the used Nutribullet sent her a message that said:
"It's paid now please collect it today as I don't want you and your mum to wait for the Nutribullet."
Cara was confused by the text message:
"I'm confused. Did you buy a new one? How is it ready today?"
The seller responded:
"Yes I bought a new one and it's paid for. You just need to collect it."
The seller had purchased a brand new Nutribullet from a local Argos store. He placed the order in Cara's name.
Cara, obviously overwhelmed, thanked the seller for the kind gesture.
The seller responded:
"Don't say thanks to me. In fact, thanks to you for giving me this opportunity."
Cara said she did not believe it until she went to the store and the cashier handed her the brand new Nutribullet. She wrote:
"In Argos when I went to collect it thinking it would be some kind of joke. When she handed it to me I cried lol. So had to explain and she was just staring at me open-mouthed!"
For those who want to donate to the Duggan family, you can visit their GoFundMe page.

Credit: Cara Grace Duggan