Wisconsin Delegation gearing up for Democratic National Convention

CHARLOTTE, North Carolina -- One party ends, another begins. With the Republican National Convention wrapped up, all eyes now turn to Charlotte, North Carolina, the site of the Democratic National Convention that officially kicks off Tuesday, September 4th.

On Sunday night, September 2nd, the Wisconsin Delegation got things underway with a private party just outside Charlotte. FOX6 News spoke one-on-one with Wisconsin's Democratic Party Chairman, Mike Tate.

"We're going to have a great week.  All the Wisconsin folks are really looking forward to hearing from the President. Obviously, it's very exciting that we're going to hear Tammy Baldwin speak on Thursday night.  We're looking forward to the President laying out his vision for the next four years," Tate said.

Tate says Wisconsin will be an important battleground in the presidential election. He says the main goal for the Wisconsin Delegation will be to bring the energy of the Convention back to the Badger State in time for the presidential election's final push.

"Getting charged up and ready to go back to Wisconsin and work like heck to make sure we carry the state for the President and send Tammy Baldwin to the Senate," Tate said.

The Wisconsin Democratic Party has suffered a series of setbacks in recent elections -- starting with the "Red Wave" in 2010 that brought Gov. Scott Walker to power and saw both the state Assembly and Senate switch to Republican control. That year, Russ Feingold lost his seat in the U.S. Senate. Later, Herb Kohl announced his retirement -- putting a safe seat back in play. Then, there was the stinging defeat in the gubernatorial recall election.

At the Republican National Convention one week ago, the Wisconsin GOP's new power was on full display -- something Tate says Democrats will counter with "people's power."

"Obviously there was a lot of Wisconsin at the RNC Convention, but when the rubber meets the road, the people of Wisconsin are going to take a look at where Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and Tommy Thompson are going to take us -- and realize this is in direct reverse. We've tried these failed economic policies. They didn't get things going. They led to the great recession, and we have an opportunity to make an investment in our future -- voting for President Obama, voting for Tammy Baldwin. Despite all the Wisconsin hoopla, I'm very confident we're going to see wins up and down the ticket in November," Tate said.

Wisconsin Democrats will hear from former Senator Feingold at a breakfast Monday, September 3rd and then have a full slate of activities for the week. The highlight comes on Thursday night, September 6th when Baldwin speaks in prime time, followed by President Barack Obama.

The Democratic National Convention kicks off Tuesday, September 4th. FOX6's Mike Lowe is in Charlotte, North Carolina for the Convention. Stay tuned to FOX6 News and FOX6Now.com for the latest Convention updates!