West Allis man arrested for fourth OWI within five years
MILWAUKEE -- Milwaukee County Sheriff's deputies arrested 46-year-old Richard Williams of West Allis around 11:30 p.m. Wednesday night for his fourth OWI within five years.
Deputies stopped Williams' vehicle for speeding southbound on S. 84th Street from I-94. Officials say Williams performed poorly on standardized field sobriety tests, and preliminary blood tests indicated his BAC was .17 - more than twice the legal limit.
Williams' prior OWI convictions were in June 2001, July 2001 and April of 2009. Williams' driver's license is revoked due to these prior OWI convictions.
Williams was issued citations for fourth OWI offense within five years, unreasonable and imprudent speed and operating with a revoked license - alcohol related.
Williams faces up to six years in prison on the felony fourth OWI offense within five years.