Whether you're trying to create a mood through the subtle scents of candles or melts, the Watertown Farmers Market has some great options
Brian is with a vendor that specializes in hand poured soy candles and handmade Soaps.
WATERTOWN, Wis. - Looking for some beautiful flowers to fill your house or hang outdoors? Brian is at the Watertown Farmers Market with a family that has a booth full of floral arrangements and produce grown at their farm in Fox Lake.
Watertown's Tuesday farmers market is one of the area's largest and longest-running markets offering healthy and unique locally grown and produce
Brian is with a woman who home-cans a variety of fruits, veggies, salsa and more.
About the Watertown Main Street Program (website)
The Watertown Main Street Program is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation, beautification and economic vitality of downtown Watertown.
Whether it's sweet and savory popcorn Chippy's Kettle Corn has you covered with more than 40 flavors
Brian is seeing what's popping this morning at The Watertown Farmers Market.
We work in partnership with downtown building and business owners, the City of Watertown, and the greater Watertown community to inspire reinvestment and renewal in the city’s historic business district.
If you haven’t been to a farmers market for a while, here's one that has locally grown fresh produce, perennials and organic veggies and herbs
Brian is getting a look at what makes the Watertown Farmers Market so special.