Volunteer charged with stealing money from burn victim Safyre Terry
ROTTERDAM, N.Y. — One of the volunteers who helped open Christmas cards for 8-year-old burn victim Safyre Terry has been charged with stealing money from the cards.
Police say 41-year-old Kimberly Bradford of Rotterdam was charged with fourth-degree grand larceny Thursday. Bradford was one of dozens of volunteers who helped open more than a million cards sent to the Schenectady County girl who lost her family in the arson fire that left her severely burned.
Cards and gifts poured in after Safyre’s wish for Christmas cards to fill her aunt’s card tree went viral online. The cards included a personal message from the White House. The little girl also received an all-expensed paid trip to Disney World, sponsored by Baking Memories 4 Kids.
Bradford was arraigned and jailed on $5,000 bail. Police had no information on whether she has a lawyer to comment.