"Trying to educate drivers:" With school in session, pedestrian safety paramount for Wisconsin Bike Fed
MILWAUKEE -- With students back in school, pedestrian safety is on the mind of one Wisconsin organization.
“I’m looking right now at a car parked in the crosswalk at the red light," says Jake Newborn, the education project manager for Wisconsin Bike Fed.

Jake Newborn
At the busy crossing near Hopkins Lloyd Community School, pedestrians must deal with almost as many issues as in intersections.
“We’re seeing people turn on green and not allow the pedestrian to go first," Newborn said.
That’s exactly why members of Wisconsin Bike Fed were on hand Thursday morning, September 8th.
“We are here as part of a pedestrian crossing action," said Newborn. "Trying to educate drivers that they have to yield to pedestrians -- particularly in crosswalks, but at all crossings of the road.”

But there was a reason they chose this crossing specifically. It came from research by UW-Milwaukee Urban Planning Assistant Professor Robert Schneider.
“This intersection was one of the highest noted incidences of pedestrian and vehicle crashes," Newborn said.

Four different roads convene within a block. There is a fire house, a gas station and -- most importantly to the Bike Fed folks -- the school.
“We got some kids going to school, so we just want to make sure that all the kids trying to walk to school, bike to school, are safe," Newborn said.
And a few reminders to drivers can't hurt.