Those who live near Fox River in Kenosha worry as river rises
KENOSHA (WITI) -- The Root River Canal is one of the main waterways in Racine County and it is not immune to all the rain that has fallen this week. In nearby Kenosha, homeowners along the banks of the Fox River have been asked to evacuate.
"It's everyday, normal spring for us," George Adkins said.
Adkins has lived on the banks of the Fox River in Wheatland for the last 10 years. He watches the river rise and fall every year. However, his house is situated just so that it would take major flooding for water to reach his doorstep.
"I mean, you never know, but I haven't known of any houses flooding over here," Adkins said.
As he pointed out, it's all about location. Less than a mile down river, it is a completely different story.
"It's scary, very scary," Richard Gorczyca said.
When Gorczyca saw the forecast for nearly a solid week of rain, one thought entered his mind.
"I was hoping they were wrong though, hoping it was a lot less," Gorczyca said.
When that didn't come true, he got to work pumping water around the clock.
"I got two out and I got two more to back them up if I need it," Gorczyca said.
Government officials have been slowly buying homes along the river -- trying to get everyone trapped by the nearly annual flooding out of the area. However, that program is limited by funding, leaving homeowners like Gorczyca in a constant state of worry each Spring.
"I just gotta have enough hoses coming out in case it comes in heavier," Gorczyca said.