"This kid loves mail:" You can make Christmas a little brighter for a boy with medical issues since birth
SPARTANBURG, South Carolina -- Brayden McCormick is a very brave six-year-old boy. He has had more than 80 surgeries, as he battles a host of medical issues, including a rare auto immune disease called HLH and MAS.
Brayden has been battling the issues since he was born, but this year, his family is hoping the community can brighten his holiday, with a simple act of kindness.
Nina Hopps is Brayden's mother and said he always keeps a good attitude about his medical issues.
"He goes through so much, and goes through it with a smile on his face," Hopps said.
The Christmas season is always a special time for him, between a visit with Santa, and making up his Christmas list. This year he told us he wants a trumpet, a trombone and a fiddle.
And his mom said he especially loves getting Christmas cards!
"This kid loves mail. He loves the post office, he loves the mail carrier and he loves cards. To get mail, this kid's face just lights up," Hopps said.
His family is hoping this season, the entire community can help brighten up Brayden's day, with a simple act of kindness. Their hope, is to get Christmas cards into Brayden's hands in the days and weeks leading up to the holiday, to let him know he is not alone, no matter what kind of challenge he might face.
The family is asking that the cards for Brayden be sent to:
Brayden McCormick
113 Cornell Street
Spartanburg SC, 29306
His family has also set up a gofundme page for his ongoing medical expenses.
You can find the link here.