"This always seems odd to people:" Why you may be confused at the polls during Tuesday's primary election
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- The primary election is Tuesday, August 12th, and if you're looking to weigh-in on some of the area's hottest contests -- you may have to choose what race matters most to you.
Primary elections in Wisconsin are a bit different from general elections -- and the rules can be confusing.
That's why when you head to the polls on Tuesday, August 12th, you should keep in mind this analogy from something everyone in Wisconsin understands: Football!
"We can root for the Packers in some games and we can root for the Vikings in other games -- but we can't root for the Packers and the Vikings in the same game if they're playing each other," UW-Milwaukee Professor of Governmental Affairs Mordecai Lee said.
The point is that on Tuesday at the polls, you're going to have to pick a team.
"People are going to have to decide -- do I want to vote in the Republican primaries or do I want to vote in the Democratic primaries -- because they can't vote in both," Lee said.
If you want your ballot to count, be mindful -- and don't vote for both Republican and Democratic candidates.
"It clearly says 'stop' at that point, so that people don't invalidate their ballot. This is something that always seems odd to people. You need to select a party, and then vote within that party," Chris Lear, the manager, clerk and treasurer of the Village of River Hills said.
For right-leaning voters in Milwaukee County, that could mean choosing which race matters most.
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke is running as a Democrat -- even though his policies often align with conservative values. Supporting him means you can't cast a vote for some high-profile Republican contests.
"For example if you live in River Hills -- which is the marquee race? Are you more motivated to vote in the Republican primary for Congress, because this is a Republican district and whoever wins that primary is going to be the next congressman -- or is the primary race for you the Sheriff's race?" Lee said.
Lear says if you make a mistake on your ballot and vote for candidates in both parties, the ballot machine will reject your ballot. It would then be destroyed, and you would have the opportunity to fill out a new ballot correctly.