The most popular dog breeds in America, ranked
The love between an owner and her dog can't be quantified or easily expressed. Breeds vary in disposition, and the training and love shown toward a dog will make a big difference — plus, every individual pup has a unique personality.
That said, some breeds are just more popular among owners than others. Every year, the American Kennel Club (AKC) ranks the most popular breeds, and 2015's data has just been released. The most popular breed has held the top spot for 25 consecutive years, but quite a few different breeds have reigned since the AKC's founding.
PetBreeds provides the AKC's top 35 rank here, along with detailed information regarding 2014 breed standings, life expectancy of each breed, purchase price estimates from around the Web, breed group and common nicknames for each beloved pooch. Some breeds held steady in their rank, while others jumped up or down the list by upwards of 10 positions since just last year.
#35. Cane Corso
AKC Popularity - 2015: 35
AKC Popularity - 2014: 48
Average Life Expectancy: 11 years
Puppy Price: $1,750
Breed Group: Working
Nickname(s): Cane Corz, Italian Mastiff, Cane di Macellaio
#34. Weimaraner
AKC Popularity - 2015: 34
AKC Popularity - 2014: 35
Average Life Expectancy: 11 years
Puppy Price: $700
Breed Group: Sporting
Nickname(s): Weimaraner Vorstehhund, Weim, Grey Ghost
#33. Pug
AKC Popularity - 2015: 33
AKC Popularity - 2014: 33
Average Life Expectancy: 14 years
Puppy Price: $350
Breed Group: Toy
Nickname(s): Chinese Pug, Dutch Bulldog, Dutch Mastiff, Mini Mastiff, Mops, Carlin
#32. Vizsla
AKC Popularity - 2015: 32
AKC Popularity - 2014: 34
Average Life Expectancy: 12 years
Puppy Price: $950
Breed Group: Sporting
Nickname(s): Hungarian Vizsla, Magyar Vizsla, Hungarian Pointer, Drotszoru Magyar Vizsla
#31. Maltese
AKC Popularity - 2015: 31
AKC Popularity - 2014: 29
Average Life Expectancy: 14 years
Puppy Price: $700
Breed Group: Toy
Nickname(s): Maltese Dog
#30. Cocker Spaniel
AKC Popularity - 2015: 30
AKC Popularity - 2014: 30
Average Life Expectancy: 14 years
Puppy Price: $700
Breed Group: Sporting
Nickname(s): American Cocker Spaniel, Cocker, Merry Cocker
#29. Bernese Mountain Dog
AKC Popularity - 2015: 29
AKC Popularity - 2014: 32
Average Life Expectancy: 8 years
Puppy Price: $900
Breed Group: Working
Nickname(s): Berner Sennenhund, Bernese Cattle Dog, Berner
#28. Chihuahua
AKC Popularity - 2015: 28
AKC Popularity - 2014: 24
Average Life Expectancy: 16 years
Puppy Price: $650
Breed Group: Toy
Nickname(s): None
#27. English Springer Spaniel
AKC Popularity - 2015: 27
AKC Popularity - 2014: 28
Average Life Expectancy: 12 years
Puppy Price: $600
Breed Group: Sporting
Nickname(s): Springer Spaniel
#26. Brittany
AKC Popularity - 2015: 26
AKC Popularity - 2014: 27
Average Life Expectancy: 13 years
Puppy Price: $750
Breed Group: Sporting
Nickname(s): Epagneul Breton, Brittany Spaniel, American Brittany, Brittany Wiegref
#25. Mastiff
AKC Popularity - 2015: 25
AKC Popularity - 2014: 26
Average Life Expectancy: 11 years
Puppy Price: $1,250
Breed Group: Working
Nickname(s): English Mastiff, Old English Mastiff
#24. Havanese
AKC Popularity - 2015: 24
AKC Popularity - 2014: 25
Average Life Expectancy: 13 years
Puppy Price: $900
Breed Group: Toy
Nickname(s): Bichon Habanero, Havanese Cuban Bichon, Bichon Havanais, Bichon Havanês, Havaneser, Havanezer
#23. Shetland Sheepdog
AKC Popularity - 2015: 23
AKC Popularity - 2014: 21
Average Life Expectancy: 13 years
Puppy Price: $906
Breed Group: Herding
Nickname(s): Miniature Collie, Shetland Collie (obsolete), Dwarf Scotch Shepherd (obsolete), Toonie Dog (obsolete), Sheltie
#22. Boston Terrier
AKC Popularity - 2015: 22
AKC Popularity - 2014: 23
Average Life Expectancy: 12 years
Puppy Price: $700
Breed Group: Non-Sporting
Nickname(s): Boston Bull, Boston Bull Terrier, Boxwood, American Gentlemen
#21. Pomeranian
AKC Popularity - 2015: 21
AKC Popularity - 2014: 20
Average Life Expectancy: 14 years
Puppy Price: $700
Breed Group: Toy
Nickname(s): Pom, Pom Pom, Deutsche Spitze, Zwergspitz, Spitz Nain, Spitz Enano, Zwers
#20. Pembroke Welsh Corgi
AKC Popularity - 2015: 20
AKC Popularity - 2014: 22
Average Life Expectancy: 12 years
Puppy Price: $550
Breed Group: Herding
Nickname(s): Pembroke, PWC, Pem, Corgi
#19. Shih Tzu
AKC Popularity - 2015: 19
AKC Popularity - 2014: 17
Average Life Expectancy: 13 years
Puppy Price: $925
Breed Group: Toy
Nickname(s): Chinese Lion Dog, Chrysanthemum Dog
#18. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
AKC Popularity - 2015: 18
AKC Popularity - 2014: 19
Average Life Expectancy: 12 years
Puppy Price: $1,250
Breed Group: Toy
Nickname(s): Cav, Cavalier, Cavie
#17. Australian Shepherd
AKC Popularity - 2015: 17
AKC Popularity - 2014: 18
Average Life Expectancy: 14 years
Puppy Price: $550
Breed Group: Herding
Nickname(s): Aussie or Little Blue Dog
#16. Miniature Schnauzer
AKC Popularity - 2015: 16
AKC Popularity - 2014: 16
Average Life Expectancy: 13 years
Puppy Price: $750
Breed Group: Terrier
Nickname(s): Zwergschnauzer
#15. Great Dane
AKC Popularity - 2015: 15
AKC Popularity - 2014: 15
Average Life Expectancy: 7 years
Puppy Price: $1,100
Breed Group: Working
Nickname(s): Dane, Gentle Giant, Deutsche Dogge, German Mastiff
#14. Doberman Pinscher
AKC Popularity - 2015: 14
AKC Popularity - 2014: 14
Average Life Expectancy: 11 years
Puppy Price: $800
Breed Group: Working
Nickname(s): Dobe, Dobie, Doby, Doberman, Dobermann, Dobynm
#13. Dachshund
AKC Popularity - 2015: 13
AKC Popularity - 2014: 11
Average Life Expectancy: 13 years
Puppy Price: $500
Breed Group: Hound
Nickname(s): Teckel, Tekkel, Tekkel Doxie, Weenie Dog, Sausage Dog, Bassotto, Worshond
#12. Siberian Husky
AKC Popularity - 2015: 12
AKC Popularity - 2014: 13
Average Life Expectancy: 12 years
Puppy Price: $850
Breed Group: Working
Nickname(s): Chukcha, Chuksha, Husky, Icee, Sibe
#11. German Shorthaired Pointer
AKC Popularity - 2015: 11
AKC Popularity - 2014: 12
Average Life Expectancy: 13 years
Puppy Price: $550
Breed Group: Sporting
Nickname(s): GSP, DK, Kurzhaar, Deutscher Kurzhaariger Vorstehhund, Deutsch Kurzhaar
#10. Boxer
AKC Popularity - 2015: 10
AKC Popularity - 2014: 8
Average Life Expectancy: 11 years
Puppy Price: $900
Breed Group: Working
Nickname(s): German Boxer, Deutscher Boxer
#9. Rottweiler
AKC Popularity - 2015: 9
AKC Popularity - 2014: 10
Average Life Expectancy: 10 years
Puppy Price: $1,600
Breed Group: Working
Nickname(s): Rottie, Rott
#8. Poodle
AKC Popularity - 2015: 8
AKC Popularity - 2014: 7
Average Life Expectancy: 12 years
Puppy Price: $1,250
Breed Group: Non-Sporting
Nickname(s): Pudle, Caniche, Barbone
#7. Yorkshire Terrier
AKC Popularity - 2015: 7
AKC Popularity - 2014: 6
Average Life Expectancy: 13 years
Puppy Price: $600
Breed Group: Toy
Nickname(s): Yorkie
#6. French Bulldog
AKC Popularity - 2015: 6
AKC Popularity - 2014: 9
Average Life Expectancy: 10 years
Puppy Price: $2,050
Breed Group: Non-Sporting
Nickname(s): Frenchie, Bouledogue Français
#5. Beagle
AKC Popularity - 2015: 5
AKC Popularity - 2014: 5
Average Life Expectancy: 14 years
Puppy Price: $650
Breed Group: Hound
Nickname(s): English Beagle
#4. Bulldog
AKC Popularity - 2015: 4
AKC Popularity - 2014: 4
Average Life Expectancy: 9 years
Puppy Price: $1,600
Breed Group: Non-Sporting
Nickname(s): English Bulldog
#3. Golden Retriever
AKC Popularity - 2015: 3
AKC Popularity - 2014: 3
Average Life Expectancy: 12 years
Puppy Price: $1,500
Breed Group: Sporting
Nickname(s): Yellow Retriever, Golden Flat Coat
#2. German Shepherd
AKC Popularity - 2015: 2
AKC Popularity - 2014: 2
Average Life Expectancy: 11 years
Puppy Price: $1,150
Breed Group: Herding
Nickname(s): Alsatian, Alsatian Wolfdog, Berger Allemand, Deutscher Schäferhund, GSD, Schäferhund
#1. Labrador Retriever
AKC Popularity - 2015: 1
AKC Popularity - 2014: 1
Average Life Expectancy: 11 years
Puppy Price: $750
Breed Group: Sporting
Nickname(s): Lab, Labrador
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