State Patrol aerial enforcement planned for Tuesday along I-43 in Walworth County
WALWORTH COUNTY -- Aerial traffic enforcement is set to take place along I-43 in Walworth County Tuesday, June 5.
Officials with the Wisconsin State Patrol said in a news release it's an effort to enforce speed limits and other traffic laws and keep everyone on the road safe.
“We publicly announce these enforcement efforts to reinforce that our goal is not to stop and cite drivers, but to encourage motorists to voluntary comply with traffic laws at all times,” said Captain Timothy Carnahan with the State Patrol’s Waukesha Post in the release. “With a busy travel season now underway, we want everyone to reach their destinations safely. This requires all drivers to watch their speed, be patient and alert every time they get behind the wheel.”
Most State Patrol aerial missions are made possible through federal funds specifically designated to support traffic law enforcement. The State Patrol analyzes data on traffic citations and related information to identify specific highway corridors for enforcement initiatives.
Specially-equipped State Patrol aircraft use highway markings and a timing device known as VASCAR to determine vehicle speeds. When pilots detect speeders, aggressive or reckless drivers, they contact ground-based units to initiate a traffic stop.