Wisconsin severe storms: Share pictures of hail and storm damage

The National Weather Service issued a severe thunderstorm watch for southeast Wisconsin on Friday, July 28 – and storms brought hail and strong wind that downed trees and knocked out power for thousands.

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FOX6 viewers shared photos of hail and the storm damage found around their neighborhoods.

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Storm damage in Washington County after July 28 severe thunderstorms

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"Spiky" hail during July 28 severe weather (Courtesy: Hannah in East Troy)

We would like to see what it looks like in your neighborhood. Just download the FOX6 Storm Center app from one of the links below – or if you have it already, it's even easier! Just snap a picture and click the SUBMIT button on the menu of the app. 

The FOX6 News digital team will collect those pictures – and add them to our gallery below. Thanks for helping share what it looks like in southeast Wisconsin.