Some voters saw a two-sided ballot Tuesday: On the back of the ballot, referenda questions
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Some voters on Tuesday, November 4th saw a two-sided ballot -- something not all voters are used to.
On the back of the ballot were several non-binding referenda.
There was just one statewide binding referendum regarding a potential transportation fund.
Voters were asked whether the state Constitution should be amended to ensure that money collected from driver's license, vehicle plate and other fees should be used exclusively for road maintenance and construction.
Lawmakers proposed the amendment after the Wisconsin Legislature transferred $1.4 billion from the state's Transportation Fund to pay for schools and other expenses.
Voters were also asked about raising the state's minimum wage to $10.10/hour.
The current minimum wage is $7.25/hour.
Voters in 20 counties were asked about BadgerCare -- and whether the state should accept federal funds to expand the BadgerCare program.
While the results won't change public policy (with the exception of the transportation referendum), it may send a message to elected officials on public opinion on these issues.
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