Sick of 2020? This hotline allows people to scream and hang up

In the shower scene from the film Psycho, Marion Crane (played by Janet Leigh) screams in terror as Norman Bates tears open her shower curtain. (Bettman via Getty Images)
LOS ANGELES - After an incredibly difficult and challenging year, many have the urge to let out their frustrations — and sometimes a simple scream is all that is needed to feel better.
A new hotline, Just Scream, allows people to do just that — call, let out a scream and hang up.
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The phone number, 1-561-567-8431, is not manned by anyone, so nobody will be answering your call. However, your message will be recorded and uploaded to an online scream playlist.
According to the website, the site is uploaded a few times daily with new recordings, so you can check back after your recording and find your scream.
Chris Gollmar, the creator of this project, is an elementary school teacher, but said he has been an artist and coder since he was a kid."I’ve created a few participatory art projects that invite people to call a phone number and leave a voicemail for others to hear. In each project, the constraint was different," Gollmar wrote on his website. "In September 2020, I decided to create a new piece in this format. It didn’t take long to settle on a theme and a name: Just Scream! I designed and coded this site, launching it just before Election Day in the U.S."
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Gollmar said you may want to call the hotline if you feel unhappy, terrified, frustrated or elated.
"All of these are perfectly good reasons to call and record yourself screaming," Gollmar wrote.
This project will run until January 21, 2021, and after that it will be archived.